Laure & Jerome were married in Sheffield, UK.
There was a speech that once said:
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
And so it was with Laura & Jerome.
It all began at Manchester Business School. I was a graduate being interviewed for a research position. Along with four other Professors, Peter Kawalek sat across the imposing table but he kept an easy air about him. Some days later he invited me for coffee. We shared ideas, swapped tales about our love for Ireland, and in time, I became a Research Associate under Peter’s guidance.
I left Manchester Business School around 2010 to pursue a career in photography. Some years later I received a phone call from Peter’s niece – Laura. “I am getting married in a few weeks time”, she said, “We would love you to photograph the ceremony”.
I travelled to Sheffield with no expectation of what I might find. I could not have been more awed. It was a truly beautiful occasion, marked by its human signature. It was a day that suited the couple – the church, the music, the dress, the time of year, and the intimacy of the family & guests. Laura & Jerome themselves were a gift to work with. They had limitless patience, kindness and humility.
Whilst travelling back home, I remember how Peter would talk of great storytelling, the value of media, the importance of love, and how a soundtrack plays in all our lives. I then remembered Sigur Ros (Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust); an album Peter once bought me as present. A fitting soundtrack to this day and further proof that, over time, the dots do eventually connect.

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